With a background in Psychology and Sociology from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Adryen Proctor is a lover of travel, food, R&B music, and superheroes. Yes, Marvel is King. Hailing from the DMV (D.C., Maryland, Virginia) area, raised in North Carolina, and a recent transplant to New York from California, Proctor has been a nomad all his life. Living in new locations and being able to make new connections has always been something that came naturally, and he looks forward to making new ones here in New York. He is currently an Administrative Assistant for e1031xchange creating e-mails and documents for the company’s various nationwide clients. Proctor has additional ambitions of getting back into Psychology with a focus on queer people of color working to encourage this marginalized population to live their best and authentic selves while coping with everyday micro-aggressions.